Security Control Consoles: How to Optimize Each Station

During a critical emergency, the personnel that are assigned to the security control center consoles will need to make important decisions. The equipment at their stations, the overall layout, and the infrastructure must work in cohesion to help make important split-second decisions. Now, a well-designed control center isn’t complicated, but it does require some essential areas.

The Security Stations

The overall design of a security control center begins at the central console, which is a tiered desk that can wrap around the individual taking the lead security visual. The monitors on the console or video wall display news, security footage from cameras, or other visual data that the specialists require to stay informed and on top of everything. Aside from the central console, the center must also have additional computer workstations assigned to each specialists.

Purchasing the Right Equipment

Remember, you don’t need to invest thousands upon thousands of dollars in order to obtain an optimal command center setup. The computers and monitors for these stations can be bought from your local electronics store or elsewhere and still be able to provide a significant amount of clarity and and accurate visual representation of data. Now, you’ll obviously want to prioritize a more quality setup as cheaper ones may fail at any notice. Be sure that you work with a professional integrator like for instance, when installing the setup. An experienced company can have you up and running within minutes.