Things not to be revealed on Facebook

With over 750 million members it is the largest social media platform on the internet. Facebook uses true identities of people instead of chat names, therefore whatever information that is posted on the site will be revealed to million around the world.

It is true the site offers a privacy setting which only allows your approved friends to view the information on your site which leads you to believe that the information is safe. But there is no guarantee.There have been instances where people have been robbed, molested and abused all from information gained from Facebook. Here are some items you should never reveal on Facebookto safeguard your personal security.

Social security number- Your identity can be stolen and used to rob you or to incriminate you for fraudulent activities.

Home address – there are perverted people on the web and having your address means you are leaving room for you to be a target.

Travel plans – if you have already posted your home address, never reveal when you will be away from home, you are inviting burglars. Wait till you come back to share the information of your trip.

Photographs you do not want the world to see.