Grow Campaigns Like a Pro with Buy-Side Platforms

The fastest way to let a good campaign go bad is to rely on a single source of traffic. Your creative will go stale faster, your brand will become diluted as your ads are shown repeatedly, and your messaging will lose its effectiveness. A buy side platform offers marketers the opportunity to avoid this pitfall. Buy-side systems offer a wide range of traffic from a variety of sites. This means new visits and a wider pool of inventory to bid on.

The pros aren’t relying on Google, they are seeking greater volumes of traffic from other sources. Here is the insider scoop on what you need to know.

The Impact of Real-Time

Buy-side platforms manage everything they do in real-time, meaning your ad is live the moment it is declared live. This also means that you begin accumulating data immediately, and that you can make changes as you uncover results and new information. There is no delay in reporting, so you’re aware of what customers are doing as it happens.

Without that delay, you have greater control over your campaigns and can stop spending before your budget gets out of control. You can also see which experiments are working and increase bids to test how effective your changes really are.

Segmenting Traffic

Buy-side platforms offer targeting that is far more granular than what is available on AdWords. These platforms allow marketers to micro-target by location, cell phone provider, Web browser, and other data points for accurate targeting. This is especially helpful for offers that work better on certain browsers or devices, or offers that are hyper-localized to a very specific region.

Targeting is extremely precise, so you can shave unnecessary spend from your more successful campaigns and manage higher profit margins than networks that rely simply on interest-based targeting.

Total Control

A buy-side platform offers marketers more control over the tests they run and how their money is spent. You make the decisions on which keywords receive high bids, you study the data and you create the experiments. That control also allows you to make decisions others might not, like following a hunch based on data you have. Having control over your campaigns, and retaining the ability to change them in real-time, helps you adapt to trends as they change.

Buy-side platforms are extremely effective for marketers who have a thorough grasp of their target audience and the willingness to bid competitively.

Bio: Ted Dhanik is the CEO of engage:BDR, a digital advertising company based out of Los Angeles. Ted Dhanik is an active mentor in Start Engine, and his writing is featured in AdAge and Venture Beat. Learn more about Ted Dhanik at the website of engage:BDR.