Benefits of the Amazon Kindle 3

Among all the other e-reader devices that are in the market today, the one that has captured the attention of most voracious readers is the Amazon Kindle 3. There are several reasons why this device is considered to be the top-notch and way ahead of its competitors.

Here is a list of benefits which validate why the Kindle 3 is so popular:

#1: One of the most basic functions that the Kindle 3 has is its text-to-speech functionality.

#2: You can access the web in wireless mode using this device.

#3: The device possesses the largest number of font sizes than any of its competitors.

#4: It is easily compatible with the Kindle app that has been developed for a variety of platforms and operating systems.

#5: You can buy your favorite e-Books and email them to Kindle 3 at no cost at all.

#6: It is much cheaper than all its competitors in the market today.

#7: Features such as longer battery life and a speaker not to mention having a larger internal memory is what gives it an edge over its competitors.

#8: There is a variety of choice when it comes to magazines, newspapers, and books.  And the best part of it all is the fact that the eBooks available are much cheaper than the variants offered by its competition.

#9: Not only does it work better in landscape mode but it also adjusts line spacing and margins much better than its competitors.

#10: But most of all, it is available in over 170 countries around the world.